This brand new research by GetLinks will help you navigate the tech universe. Reach for the stars! Our salary report is here to:

Empower candidates to find a job they deserve in a city they love

Help tech talents make the right upskilling decisions

Help SEA companies recruit and hire with insight.

Empower candidates to find a job
they deserve in a city they love

Help tech talents make
the right upskilling decisions

Help SEA companies recruit
and hire with insight.
of Software Developers in SEA
In 2018 the amount of Software Developers has risen up to 1,116M which is 33% more than the previous year. Even though the number has risen a lot from the past it is still considered low compared to the total population in SEA. Potential developers and leading tech companies are everywhere across the continent and GetLinks gathers and matches them.
is the city with the highest paid tech jobs across South East Asia (S$50K).
Singapore is one of the best-prepared countries for the 4th industrial revolution by planning to integrate digital technologies in all parts of society: education, economy, infrastructure and so on.
Do you think it’s time to relocate? Live where your salary goes further!

DataScience &
Machine Learning
salaries are heading skyward
Our data shows that AI, Machine Learning and Data Science are the best-paid fields in the tech industry. Planning your next big career move? Collect data, think data, live data.
is the most used programming skill in the world
It’s the programming language of the web and will continue to be. Explore the universe of front end development and create great apps and websites with JavaScript. It’s not just a job, it’s a career!

is the most in-demand programming language.
Want to earn a decent wage and boost your chances of getting a great job in tech? GoLang developers’ salaries just tripled over the past year. Simple and powerful, Go is rapidly gaining popularity.
Thinking of upskilling? Don’t think, Go!
Know your worth
find out where you’d get paid most and what skills can get you there.
Reach for the stars! Get your own copy of GetLinks salary report now.