
Using the power of our matching algorithm along with human curators, GetLinks suggests talents that match your requirements. We even show the matching percentage to help you compare potential candidates! To get the most out of the Marketplace. Here are 5 ways to create a great job description and optimize matching.

Skills :
  • Our data shows that adding 5 skills will achieve the best match results.
  • Tech languages, tools, and hard skills will help us find talents with required skills faster.
  • Add skills relevant to the job – don’t exaggerate.
  • No hard skills needed? It’s better to add just 1 skill than adding fake ones.
Salary Range :
  • To prevent unnecessary salary negotiations, we compare your salary requirements to a talent’s expected salary. Talents within your range are prioritized over talents that don’t fit.
  • Choose your range carefully and as accurate as possible between what is fair and what you can afford. Need help? Discover our Salary Report.
Location and Languages :
  • Talents outside of your location who are willing to relocate will still be presented but at a lower matching percentage.
  • You can still block talents outside of your immediate location if necessary.
Work Type and Seniority :
  • Talents that fit these requirements are prioritized over those that do not.
Job Description:
  • Talents will see all Job information provided but they are more likely to read this part first.
  • Be as detailed as possible with expectations and job description.
  • Make it sound awesome! Wording the job description right can play a crucial part in getting top talents’ attention.

Complement your jobs with company description!
If talents find your Job interesting, they will likely view your company page. Use this opportunity to let them know how great it is to work at your company! Do not miss the perfect match by keeping your company page updated. Check out the reasons why!