Intern Sharing – Marketing Executive


My name is Naruewan Powjunteuk, but you can call me Yok! I’m currently a 3rd year student at Bangkok University, Faculty of Business Administration, Digital Marketing. I have had the chance to intern at GetLinks for summer for the duration of 2 months. 

Describe your intern position at GetLinks 

My position is within the marketing team as Marketing Executive. My responsibilities mainly include events planning and organization, as well as coming up with activities to make the events more memorable. Other parts of my responsibilities are doing researches, including SEO keywords, landing page improvements, and interesting contents in order to grow our audience. I also had the chance to do PR outreach research to help spread awareness in GetLinks branding as well.

Why have you chosen to intern at GetLinks? 

Upon my research prior to my internship, I have come across that GetLinks is a startup company that focuses on recruitment services which piqued my interest. At my university, I have been taught about branding, especially product branding which are usually tangible goods. This is why I wanted to try to branch out to something different, to break out of my comfort zone – so I have picked GetLinks as a place to finish my internship. 

Share the things you’ve learned from your internship with GetLinks 

I have learned to work in a systematic way. In classes, I only had the opportunity to work in group projects with people within my faculty. During my internship, I had the chance to work as a part of the team where everyone had their designated roles. I have also learned to work with discipline and improved my skills in so many different areas. One of the main things I learned is communication, exchanging ideas on how to do things in a better way. I’ve gained so many experiences that will help me skill up for my career path. 

Compared to the past, how did GetLinks help develop in terms of your working style? 

Completing my internship at GetLinks, I have learned the real working environment, which I had the opportunity to put my thoughts and ideas into action. I also had the chance to freely express my ideas which is an incredible help for the future of my career. The internship period definitely helps prepare me for the real working environment. 

As an intern about to enter the working age, how do you picture your future corporate culture? 

My ideal work environment would be a company that is not too big, focused on working as a team that exchanges ideas and helps each other out while giving room for free discussions. Somewhere that doesn’t put my ideas in a box but also sets limits for me to reach. I want to work in an environment where people can equally communicate with one another without any hierarchical level. 

Any advice for juniors growing into this spot? 

My advice to anyone growing into this spot is to let yourself come out of your comfort zone, to experience new things that they have not done before. This gives you the chance to learn whether something is right for you or not. Even if you are bound to make mistakes, there is always room to grow. Just try – you’ll never know, you might end up finding it fun like I did!

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