Intern Sharing – Marketing Executive


Hello, my name is Napatsorn Nuchsala, you can call me Get. I’m currently studying in the Faculty of Management Science, majoring in Marketing at Silpakorn University – in my 3rd year of undergraduate studies. I’ve had the chance to intern at GetLinks for around 2 months during my semester break. 

Describe your intern position at GetLinks 

My position as a GetLinks intern is a Marketing Executive. Personally, I think my position is incredibly fun, I had the opportunity to try my hands on different things. Mainly, my position allows me to focus on planning activities and campaigns in the upcoming events along with research to update information on the tech industry. This way, we can implement the new updates in our department on how to connect with our target audiences even more. 

Why have you chosen to intern at GetLinks? 

It caught my attention that GetLinks is a tech-based startup, which piqued my interest. The tech industry is something that is incredibly out of my comfort zone, hence why I wanted to challenge myself. Other than that, the many services of GetLinks are really interesting to me, that’s why I decided to intern here at GetLinks. 

Share the things you’ve learned from your internship with GetLinks 

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned as an intern at GetLinks is how to adapt to the tasks given, as well as the company culture. I’ve had the opportunities to learn about so many things, especially things in the tech industry. Furthermore, I also learned so much about my own potential, and team communication. Every Monday, the team holds a meeting to update the status on all the projects we are working on – and aside from that, the team gets to share their feedback to help improve the projects to our best ability. 

Compared to the past, how did GetLinks help develop in terms of your working style? 

Enrolling in the internship program at GetLinks really helped me prepare for my future career growth. I get to experience working firsthand with lots of freedom in creativity. There are no longer limits on my working process, I believe that this pushes me to become an even better version of my working self and has taught me a lot about responsibility. 

As an intern about to enter the working age, how do you picture your future corporate culture? 

Personally, I would like to work with a company that is flexible, be it my responsibilities or flexibility in the working hours. I need a workplace that is respectful to ideas of one another, a team that can easily communicate and give constructive feedback on how to get better. I also would like a work environment that does not take hierarchy seriously, since it’s all about the ability to work, not who is older or has been around the longest. 

Any advice for juniors growing into this spot? 

For anyone growing into this spot, don’t be afraid of trying. Everything is possible. Try before saying you can’t. If you’re unsure of something, don’t be afraid to receive advice to develop further. It’s always trial and error. You need to experience it firsthand to see if you find it fun or if it fits the career path that you have always planned for! 

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